Fault code No. 41
Symptom Lean angle sensor malfunction. (the sensor is built into the ECU)
Fail-safe system Unable to start
Unable to drive
Diagnostic code No. D08
FI diagnostic tool dis-
Lean angle sensor
• 1.0 V (Upright)
• 4.0 V (Overturned)
Checking method Remove the ECU and incline it 45° or more.
Item Item/components and probable cause Check or maintenance job Checking method
1 Malfunction in ECU. Replace the ECU.
Fault code No. 44
Symptom Error is detected while reading or writing on EEPROM.
Fail-safe system Able to start engine (depending on circumstances)
Able to drive vehicle (depending on circumstances)
Diagnostic code No. D60
FI diagnostic tool dis-
00: No fault
01: CO adjustment valve
07: Power Tuner adjustment values 0–8 for fuel injection amount or ignition
Checking method —
Item Item/components and probable cause Check or maintenance job Checking method
1 Determine the area of the problem Execute the diagnostic
mode (diagnostic code No.
00 is displayed: Refer to
item 4.
01 is displayed: Refer to
item 2.
07 is displayed: Refer to
item 3.
Set the switch on the
FI diagnostic tool sub-
wire harness to "ON",
and then check the
fault code display.
Fault code number
is not displayed →
Service is finished.
Fault code number
is displayed → Re-
peat item 1. If the
fault code number is
still displayed, refer
to item 3.