S t AI'J 1."6
$hift the masier :CIU~ cOl'ltfOI:' to "1ne'Ni'!utr~J",p6St'i~n.MO\f~
tj1'e : Choke lev~r to flJll ctiok~ 'pos:i:ion. Move $peed
control I~\ler'-to rul) position. $tal:t ttlt! ;~i't~~ne by pulling
(ap)dly on t~j'ecoll startefyope. As th,e engine starts and
begins to wa:iir' up, yr~dual]y ~~url') the choke le\fer to t~e
"No Choke" pos.ition.,: ,
'NOTE ~ TemperattJre.,1' :1'9°F ~:'and~elow use "Primer." PlI!.l,
,primer button in :anc!:,~old; putl engine slowly over :co~-
presSion: '-once 8rid::~ rale.a&e I?rimer' buit~n- ,;00 'N:O'T
.:BUll"ON H,ELD IN. (Do ,not' U!ie prim{;!r with 110 vbl,~
electric starter.) , '-'
if the engi1,e should fail to sta~~ t:~f~r' to your engine
I n$tru~tjdn M~mjf1l :', ,: :c ' ,
To stqp :the"&f1gjl:i~ mo'ifi;i lh~ sp~ed(:(Jntr()1 lever to the 8tqp
positiOn Qr c,I.ow the fV,el f1l:\ut:off ,\jalv~ under the 91100lifie"tank
The' sp,/lrkplu9 ":JI!ire rJ:'ay also be removed to prfNent
accidental starting while ui'lattel1ded. Always fun ('.ngine. Ii
few ~:i!'lutes !?l)f9r~ 9tQrirl~ ~~d,I:Y' !'r1o..st~l'~ th~t: I;,oll~c't$'n~i~1'
ofe;n9!ne from bloW'1:I9' s1)Qw.
,,1, ~111 the fuel tank \",i-th fresh wl!'\ter blehd regular gilSO.
line. 00" 'NOT MI..Xbll. WITH GA$OLINt:. ~Jl8f<~
certain th'e' fU!1! s!:iut.off vQI~e' under the 9~S 1;ank 'is
turned on.
',~. Plac~ fflQchine o:n ~ !evel $urf~ce: Remo,ve oil fill c.a,p
and fiil crankcase with go~(j quality detergento!l,
, ..
Use MS cl()ssifica:~'on $AE 5W;:20 Qil ,tor- operatio,f1
below 40"'F:, U~ M$,'cla-ssif)t:'iitio,) $AE;;,,3QOII ft,r
operation ab6ve'40~f,,':' ::":' ,',": "
3. During initial "Bl'e~k.in", 'peri9~. 'the' bif:':'Snouicl' b~
{;hecked often. ' ,',,'
'4. Change 011 after first two (2) hours pf'o:pera,iof1 and
cheCK oil level evet:y tiye (5~ ciperatillg: hol,itsor esc.h
time machine is used. "..
Try, ,you,rSnow.- tlitowe;rniachlne in a large open space
" " ,'"
'v"jt!~ e~9ine thr'ottl-e in .'!.tow position,; Learn to, $t3I't, 5tO;P
,-and ~~tk~up durin9,thj,s~f.iel!Un; .-,
,2. ,"I n 'rough areas; 10,w~r'the ~dlust!lble ,Skids.
,:3. Rcmove ~t'one$, wi:f~;,C~I:1!\, board$,:b'oric~ or oth~r SQlid
object!:. from area to:b~ ~earcd.
:4, Always fUn engine: a t~w :minutes oUt-dOVf5 befo:r~
,throwing ~"'I19w; to ,adjust ~l1g)ne an.d m~chil1e ~o 9,!J~~ide
',. " " ,,' , ,
air tempffrBture. '