
About This Document
Who Should Use This Document
P1058563-003 10/31/13
Who Should Use This Document
This User Guide is intended for use by any person who needs to install, perform routine
maintenance, upgrade, or troubleshoot problems with the Zebra Airwatch Connector software.
How This Document Is Organized
The User Guide is set up as follows:
Section Description
Introduction This section provides general information about
the Zebra AirWatch Connector.
Installation This section outlines the system requirements for
installation and provides specific details for the
installation of Zebra AirWatch Connector.
Configuring Printers with WebLink This section describes basic, network, and firewall
configurations for printers connected to Zebra
AirWatch Connector.
Using AirWatch Connector This section provides specific information about
organizing and managing printers via Zebra
AirWatch Connector.
Troubleshooting This section provides troubleshooting information
about the Zebra AirWatch Connector.
WebLink Set/Get/Do Commands This section describes the Set/Get/Do commands,
parameters, and values that are available with
Zebra AirWatch Connector.