
ZyWALL USG 300 User’s Guide
Common Event Format (CEF) 863, 869
common services 983
compression (stac) 790
computer names 301, 327, 342, 352, 361, 546
computer virus 574
infection and prevention 587
see also virus
concurrent e-mail sessions 272, 678
information 885
object-based 91
overview 99
web-based SSL application example 792
configuration file
troubleshooting 911
configuration files 873
at restart 876
backing up 876
downloading 877
downloading with FTP 847
editing 873
how applied 874
lastgood.conf 876, 880
managing 876
not stopping or starting the ZyWALL 37
startup-config.conf 880
startup-config-bad.conf 876
syntax 874
system-default.conf 880
uploading 880
uploading with FTP 847
use without restart 873
configuration menu 52
troubleshooting 903
connection monitor (in SSL) 261
connectivity check 299, 310, 317, 341, 353, 476
console port 36
speed 815
content (pattern) 615
content filter
troubleshooting 897
content filtering 643, 644
and address groups 643, 644, 649
and address objects 643, 644, 649
and registration 648, 650, 652
and schedules 643, 644
and user groups 643
and users 643
by category 644, 654
by keyword (in URL) 644, 665
by URL 644, 664
by web feature 644, 664
cache 268, 666
categories 654
category service 652
configuration overview 108
default policy 644, 646
external web filtering service 652, 666
filter list 644
managed web pages 653
message for blocked access 647
policies 643, 644
prerequisites 108
registration status 282, 648, 652
reports, see content filtering reports
statistics 267
testing 662
trial service activation 280
uncategorized pages 653
unsafe web pages 653
URL for blocked access 647
content filtering reports 667
and registration 667
during trial service 667
how to view 667
see also content filtering
cookies 47, 664
copyright 1091
CPU usage 224, 228
CTS (Clear to Send) 1022
current date/time 226, 811
and schedules 743
daylight savings 812
setting manually 814
time server 814
current user list 261
access user page 829
login page 829
custom signatures 607, 610, 901
applying 618
example 616
verifying 619
custom.rules file 610, 901