23 Outlaw
Congratulations on becoming the new owner of
the world’s #1 performance boat. Baja
Corporation welcomes you into our worldwide and
ever-expanding family of boating enthusiasts.
The Owner’s Manual Packet, to be kept on board
your Baja, gives you important information on all
the features of your Baja. For years of trouble-
free boating, take the time to carefully review
the information in your Owner’s Manual Packet
and really get to know your boat. Everyone that
operates the boat should read this manual.
The Owner’s Manual Packet contains the
• Owner’s Manual: The Owner’s Manual gives
you important operating and safety information,
as well as reminders about your responsibilities
as a boat owner/operator.
• Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
Information: This section of your Owner’s
Manual Packet contains information from the
manufacturers of equipment installed on your
boat. Examples include the engine, engine
control and steering system. Throughout
the Owner’s Manual you will be referred to
information provided by manufacturers of
specic systems.
Because your purchase represents a substantial
investment, we know you will want to take the
necessary measures to protect its value. We
have outlined a program for proper operation,
periodic maintenance, and safety inspections.
We urge you to follow these recommendations. If
you have questions which are not fully covered by
the Owner’s Manual Packet, please consult your
authorized dealer for assistance.
Thank You For Selecting A Baja