3.1275 Performance
Section 3 • uSing your Boat
1. pre-launch, launch anD posT-
launch checklisT
Listed below are the critical items you must check
and do each time you use your boat. It does not list
all of the necessary maintenance and service items
required to keep your boat running properly. These
other items are found in Section 8.
before launch
Drain plug installed
Enough fuel for trip
Float plan given to friend or relative
Navigation charts for trip
Weather forecast - safe
in The WaTer, before boarDinG passenGers or
sTarTinG enGine
Stern drive down
Equipment stored and balanced
No gas smell in engine compartment
Engine oil and steering uid levels - OK
Battery switch on
No uid in bilge
Bilge pump working
Bilge blower on
Radio and navigation equipment functioning
Wearing PFDs
Seated properly
Given safety instructions
sTarTinG enGine
Make sure you have read and understand the
dangers of Carbon Monoxide (CO) information
in this manual.
Bilge blower on for at least four (4) minutes. Feel
to conrm airow at hull vent on hull side. Inspect
bilge area for visual and odor conrmation that
there are no fuel leaks.
Throttle-only position, handle pumped before
starting, if necessary.
Oil pressure, engine temperature, voltage - OK
after starting and warm up.
Gradual acceleration and deceleration and
Aware of surroundings at all times.
Operate so as to prevent buildup of Carbon
Monoxide (CO) (See section 1.3)
Monitor weather
Use navigational aids in water and on shore
Keep passengers safe
Do not operate impaired
Check fuel consumption regularly
Check all gauges frequently
enD of Trip
Equipment dry and stored.
Electronic equipment and switches off.
Battery switch off.
Stern drive in trailering position.
Notify person who had oat plan.
Boat covered properly for trailering, docking or
Drain plug removed (if boat is not kept in
Hull and propeller inspected for damage.