3. Looking down at the top of the circuit board with
the RJ-45 jack facing to the left, you should be able
to see both jumpers in the middle of the board:
JP1 toward the back and JP2 toward the front.
Move either or both of these jumpers so that they
are sitting on just one jumper post instead of
connecting both posts. The shield link that passes
through each jumper you move will be broken.
4A. If you’ve set the jumpers on an Adapter, realign the
case halves with the end inserts and snap the case
halves back together.
4B. If you’ve set the jumpers on a Balun Mate II module,
carefully slide the module back into its slot in the
rack chassis, guiding its coaxial connectors
through their holes in the chassis’ front panel.
Then screw the module’s nuts and washers back
into the screwposts on the back of the front panel
to reattach the module to the chassis.