Find Waypoint menu with Lodging POI category selected.
2. To search by nearest POI select NEAREST and press ENT. The Find BY
menu will show a "calculating" screen, then a list of the nearest POI's
will appear. Press ↓ or ↑ to the selected POI and press
ENT to call up
the POI's Waypoint Information screen.
Find Waypoint menu (left) with category POI-Lodging and subcate-
gory for Bed & Breakfast highlighted. Find By screen (center) and cal-
culated results for Find By Nearest results shown at right.
3. To search for a POI by name select NAME|ENT. This will give you two
options. You can spell out the POI in the top selection box. Press ↑ or ↓
to change the first letter, then press → to move the cursor to the next
letter and repeat until the name is correct, then press
press ↓ down to the Find In List screen by pressing
ENT, then press ↓ or
↑ to select a POI from the list, then press
ENT to call up the POI's Way-
point Information screen.