Clear last run time of the fixture, default is OFF.
1. Access the main menu by pressing MODE/ESC.
2. Press the UP/DOWN buttons until “Info” is displayed and press ENTER.
3. Press the UP/DOWN buttons until “TimeInfo” is displayed and press ENTER.
4. Press the UP/DOWN buttons until “Clr Last” is displayed and press ENTER and
the display will show (=OFF, =ON).
5. Press the UP/DOWN buttons to select (=OFF or =ON) and press ENTER to clear
last run time. NOTE: A correct password must be entered in the TImePass menu in
order to clear last run time.
6. Press MODE/ESC to return to previous menu or display will automatically exit.
Info - TempInfo - HeadTemp
Display the temperature of the fixture, default is Fahrenheit.
1. Access the main menu by pressing MODE/ESC.
2. Press the UP/DOWN buttons until “Info” is displayed and press ENTER.
3. Press the UP/DOWN buttons until “TempInfo” is displayed and press ENTER.
4. Press the UP/DOWN buttons until “HeadTemp” is displayed and press ENTER and
the display will show “=XXXF” (degrees) °C / °F.
5. Press MODE/ESC to return to previous menu or display will automatically exit.
Info - Soft Ver
Display the software version of the fixture.
1. Access the main menu by pressing MODE/ESC.
2. Press the UP/DOWN buttons until “Info” is displayed and press ENTER.
3. Press the UP/DOWN buttons until “Soft Ver” is displayed and press ENTER and
the display will show “= VX.X”. (software version #)
4. Press MODE/ESC to return to previous menu or display will automatically exit.
Persnal - Stat Set - Addr DMX
Adjust the desired DMX address via an external controller, default is ON.