1.23 Echo Stretch
The echo stretch feature enlarges targets in the range and bearing directions to make them easier
to see, and is available on any range. There are three levels of echo stretch as shown in the table
The echo stretch magnifies not only small target pips but also returns (clutter) from
sea surface, rain and radar interference. For this reason, make sure those types of
interference have been sufficiently suppressed before activating the echo stretch.
1. Press the MENU key to open the menu.
2. Choose the Echo menu and press the ENTER key.
3. Choose Echo Stretch and press the ENTER key.
4. Choose the appropriate echo stretch option and press the ENTER key.
5. Press the MENU key to close the menu.
Echo stretch settings
Stretch in range direction Stretch in bearing direction
1 Stretched +2 dots An echo is stretched to three dots in size in
bearing direction if it is less than three dots in
bearing direction. If its size is larger than three
dots it is not stretched.
2 Stretched +3 dots An echo is stretched to four dots in size in
bearing direction if it is less than four dots in
bearing direction. If its size is larger than four
dots it is not stretched.
3 Stretched +3 dots An echo is stretched to five dots in size in
bearing direction if it is less than five dots in
bearing direction. If its size is larger than five
dots it is not stretched.