Menu description
Brill/Color: Choose colors; adjust range ring brilliance.
DIsplay: Control display functions.
Echo: Adjust radar echo.
Target Trails: Process target trails.
Mark: Process markers such as VRM and EBL.
Custom 1-Custom 3: One-touch set up for given navigation situation.
Tuning: Adjust radar tuning.
GPS Buoy: Set up GPS buoy display.
Target: Set up ARP and AIS targets.
ARP: Set up ARP display.
AIS: Set up AIS display.
GPS: Set up FURUNO GPS receiver interfaced with this radar.
Initial: Initial settings.
Factory: System diagnostic and LCD test.
Installation: Items for installation. Not accessible by user.
Sector Blank 1, Sector Blank 2: Set up for preventing transmission in a certain area.
3. Press the ENTER key to switch control to the menu items column. At this time the cursor in the
menu column turns gray and the cursor in the menu items column is yellow, indicating that con-
trol is now with the menu items column.
To switch control between the menu column and menu items column, use the CANCEL/HL
OFF key. The color of the title bar of the active column is blue and the color of the title bar of
the inactive column is gray.
4. Roll the trackball to choose the menu item desired and press the ENTER key. A window with
options for the corresponding menu item appears. For example, the window below shows the
options for Color in the Target Trails menu.
5. Roll the trackball upward or downward to choose appropriate option.
6. Press the ENTER key to save your selection. To close the window without saving, press the
CANCEL/HL OFF key (instead of the ENTER key).
7. Press the MENU key to close the menu.
The menus on the IEC-type radar close automatically when there is no menu opera-
tion for 10 seconds, as per IEC regulations. The following menus and screens how-
ever are exempt from this rule: Alarm message, GPS self test, Satellite monitor,
Diagnostic, LCD pattern, tuning initial adjust and auto installation setup.
Menus do not close automatically in the “River” or “Sea” configuration.