Furuno Fr8062 Fish Finder User Manual

The system generates both audio and visual (alarm message) alarms or audio alarm
alone in the following situations:
Audio and visual alarms: Signal missing and AIS system.
Audio alarm alone: Target alarm 1 and 2, ARP alarm, AIS alarm
AIS alarm
COLLISION CPA and TCPA of an AIS target is less than CPA and TCPA alarm
PROXIMITY The range to an AIS target is less than the user-set proximity
alarm range.
AIS system
ANT Antenna VSWR trouble
CH1 TDM2 RX1 board trouble
CH2 TDM2 RX2 board trouble
CH70 X channel 70 trouble
COG Course data lost
FAIL System failure
EPFS Navigator (GPS, etc.) trouble
HDG Heading data lost
L/L Position data lost
MKD Minimum input device lost
ROT Rate of turn data lost
SOG Speed data lost
TX TX stopped or TX error
List of alarm messages
Alarm category Alarm name