Garmin G1000 Pilot’s Training Guide
190-00368-00 Rev. D
Ground Lesson 6
Upon completion of this lesson, the pilot should be able to navigate using ground-based navaids and GPS, while manually
tuning VOR/LOC/ILS frequencies and creating direct-to and flight-plan-based GPS navigation.
• G1000 Pilot’s Guide
• G1000 cockpit poster
• G1000 PC-based simulator
Exercise 6.1: Land-based Navigational Aids
1. Is the process to manually tune in the NAV frequency the same as it is to manually tune in a COM frequency?
2. When using the database to tune in a NAV frequency, is the process the same as it is for tuning a COM frequency?
3. What type of information is provided about a ground-based navigation aid when it is highlighted by panning on the MFD
map and pressing the ENT key?
4. How and where do you select the CDI information displayed on the HSI
for the NAV 1 or NAV 2 frequencies?
5. Does the G1000 system automatically attempt to identify the tuned NAV frequency? How is this visually presented?
Exercise 6.2: Practice (Optional)
Using the G1000 PC-based simulator, power up the system and configure the G1000 as needed for the following IFR clearance
out of KAPA (Centennial Airport, Denver, CO): “N12345 is cleared to the Goodland, KS airport via the Thurman VOR,
Byers VOR, then direct. Climb and maintain eight thousand, expect one-two thousand in ten minutes. Departure
frequency is 126.75, squawk 3470.”