
FCT 53 - Output a range of page files. The print format is selected
by the PRN FMT (U/S) option in FCT 42. The system format is
selected in FCT D8, and the user format is defined in FCT D9.
Any list can be printed by pressing PRINT while viewing the list.
LI-6400 Portable Photosynthesis System
The LI-6400 is configured as a DTE device. Two cables are
included with the LI-6400 for data communications: 1000-90 and
If your PC has a 9 pin COMM port, use BOTH cables. If your PC
has a 25 pin COMM port configured as DTE with a male connector,
use the 1000-09 cable.
To send files from the LI-6400 to a computer, follow these steps:
1. Set the communications parameters in the LI-6400. Select
‘Configure the COMM port’ from the Utility menu, and enter
9600 8 1 N. Press Enter.
2. Select ‘Access the FILER’ and change to the directory
containing the file(s) to be printed. Press f1 (Dir) and use the
arrow keys to scroll to the desired directory (i.e., /User). Press
Enter. Highlight the file(s) to be printed using the arrow keys,
and tag the file(s) by pressing Enter.
3. Press the labels key, and press the Print function key (or press
P). You are prompted to print header information and form
feeds. The header information includes the file name as entered
in the LI-6400. If you send multiple files at one time or if the
file names don't follow DOS conventions you will want to
include headers. The tagged file(s) are sent to the RS-232C port.
4. Press F6 to close the capture file.
LI-6252 & LI-6262 Gas Analyzers