For Wiring Diagram B installations, remove the Uniden adapter seg-
ment at the end of your data cable as shown at left. Snip off the end of
the cable protected by the black heat-shrink. At right, we have used
clear heat-shrink for clarity, so you can see the diode and resistor pro-
tected within. Remove this portion of the cable.
After you've removed the adapter segment, use wire pliers to expose the
ends of the five remaining wires in the cable. Cut off the black, blue and
white wires, then seal their ends with electrical tape.
After removing the adapter segment, prepare to connect by removing
and taping off unneeded wires. Strip the end of the yellow wire.
Strip about 1/4-inch (6.35 mm) of insulation from the yellow wire, then
follow the preceding wire nut and taping instructions to connect the
wires from the radio or other device.
If you're using a true RS-232 radio or other device, connect its (+) Re-
ceive wire to the M68i data cable's yellow wire and its ground or (–) Re-
ceive wire to the M68i data cable's bare shield wire.
Com port wiring to transmit NMEA information
to another standard NMEA-compatible device.
(–) Receive or ground
To another
NMEA device
Com port
to M68i
Yellow (Transmit)
(+) Receive or Receive
Shield (Ground)
Cut black, blue
and white.
Bare wire