Zero Calibration:
• Dip the probe into MA9070 zero oxygen
solution and stir gently for 2-3 minutes.
• Wait for the probe to reach it’s lowest
stable reading.
• Adjust the zero D.O. calibration
trimmer (located on the front
panel) until the display reads
Slope Calibration:
It is suggested to perform the slope calibration in water saturated
• Rinse the probe with a large amount of clean water to
remove any residual zero oxygen solution.
• Dry the probe tip and allow a few minutes for the D.O. probe
to stabilize while suspending over a container of water in the
• Press and hold the CAL key.
• Adjust the slope trimmer on the
front panel of the meter to read
"100%" on the LCD (while still
holding the CAL button).
• Release the CAL key and the
LCD will display a value in ppm
of oxygen.
The zero calibration of the MW600 is very stable, therefore
this procedure needs only to be performed whenever the probe
is replaced. However, if most of the measurements are closer
to zero, more frequent zero calibration is advised.
Slope calibration can be easily performed on a weekly basis.