© 2002 Design, 2013 Doc. No. 12-5335-r01 (6/27/13)
• A (< 2 sec) - to access ALT 1.
• M (2 sec) - to access the Gas/TMT Switch Menu.
• S (< 2 sec) - to acknowledge other type alarms.
• S (2 sec) - to access the Compass Operating Main.
• L (< 2 sec) - to toggle the Backlight On/Off.
• L (2 sec), while the Backlight is On - to reset the timer and keep it On for the duration time set.
DV3 ALTS - similar to the NO DECO ALTs.
If a Deco Stop Depth greater than 70 FT (21 M) is required, operation will enter VGM. This would be preceded by DV2.
Operation would then continue in VGM during the remainder of that dive and for 24 hours after surfacing with no nitrogen/oxy-
gen related calculations or displays.
Upon activation, the graphic VIOLATION is displayed in place of Deco Stop information, the Audible will sound, and the LED will
flash. The full TLBG and graphic UP with Up Arrow icons will flash until the Audible is silenced after 10 seconds elapse.
The Audible cannot be silenced by pressing S.
> The TLBG is removed when the Audible is silenced.
> The graphic UP with Up Arrow icons continue to flash until on the surface, then they are removed.
VGM MAIN, information includes (Fig. 89) -
> Current Depth with FT (or M) icon.
> Graphic VIOLATION solid.
> Graphic GAS - 1 (or 2, 3, 4), the one currently in use.
> Graphic UP with Up Arrow icons, flashing until on surface.
> NX icon, if any Gas is set for Nitrox.
> Air Time Remaining (up to 99 min) with min and ATR icons, blank if no TMT in use.
> Tank Pressure, for the TMT currently in use, with PSI (or BAR) and Link icons; or graphic SPG.
> TLBG with icon, flashing during the Audible then removed.
> VARI with icon, if ascending.
• A (< 2 sec) - to access ALT 1.
• S (2 sec) - to access the Compass Operating Main.
• L (< 2 sec) - to toggle the Backlight On/Off.
• L (2 sec), while the Backlight is On - to reset the timer and keep it On for the duration time set.
VGM ALTS 1 & 2 - similar to the DECO ALTs 1 & 2 except that TAT is not displayed. There is no ALT 3 (O2 data).
The graphic VIOLATION is displayed for the first 10 minutes (Fig. 90A), then VIOL alternates with NORM (Fig. 90B) until 24
hours elapse with no dives.
During that 24 hours, VGM lockout does not allow access to the Set Gas, Plan, Desat, and FREE Mode features/screens. All
Watch and Compass functions will be allowed.
The Fly countdown timer provides the time remaining before normal operation can resume with full features and functions.
In the event that a dive is made during the 24 hour lockout period, a full 24 hour surface interval must then be served before
all functions are restored.
Warning >> at .80 to 1.40 (= Alarm set point value for the Gas in use minus .20), no warning in Deco.
Alarm >> at 1.00 to 1.60 (= set point value for the Gas in use); except in Deco, then at 1.60 only.
High PO2 during No Deco
When partial pressure of oxygen (PO2) increases to the Warning level for the Gas in use, the Audible sounds during which the
PO2 value with icon will flash (in place of Pressure) until the Audible is silenced (Fig. 91).
After the Audible is silenced by pressing S or 10 seconds elapse, Pressure is restored.
(after 10 minutes elepase)
(during the rst 10 minutes)
Fig. 91 - PO2 WARNING
(No Deco, during Audible)
Fig. 89 - VGM MAIN
(during Audible)