S/C Yachts SC 420 Boat User Manual

Centreboard Fastening
The centerboard comes with an alloy blue bush, this should be positioned in the CB pivot hole prior to inserting into
the case. Insert the centerboard into case and then use the centre board bolt and washers to locate and bolt the foil
through the centre case. You should use the two foam washers on the inside of the bolt to prevent water coming into
the hull from the case whilst sailing.
Sponge and Bailer
A sponge and bailer is provided as shown in the picture below, this can be useful in light airs when the auto bailer or
venturi is not functional. You can store them in the spinnaker bags and you may wish to have the bailer tied into the
Tension Gauge
We have provided a complimentary Loos Spring Gauge as below with the boat. We use this on the shroud when
rigging and tuning the boat.