Ski-Doo GTI Series Jet Ski User Manual

The custom er must cease using the Sea- Doo personal watercraft upon the appear-
ance of a n anomaly. The customer must notify a servicing BRP distributor/dealer
within two (2) days of the appearance of a defect, and provide it with reasonable
access to the product and reasona ble opportunity to repair it. The cust om er must
also present to the BRP distributor/deale r, proof of purchase of the prod uc t a nd
must s ign the repair/work order prior to the s t ar t of the repair in ord er to validate
the wa rranty repair. A ll parts replaced under this limited warranty beco m e the
property of BRP.
BRP’s obligations under this warranty are limited to, at its sole discretion, repa iri ng
parts found defective under normal use , m a inten an ce and service, or replaci ng
such parts wit h new genuine BRP pa rts without ch arg e for parts and labor, at any
authorized BR P distrib utor/de aler during the warranty coverage peri od under the
conditions described herein . No claim of breach of wa rran ty shall be the cause
for cancellation or rescission of the sale of the Sea-Doo person al watercraft to the
In the event that service is required outside of the country of original sale, the
owner will bear re sp ons ibility for any additional c ha rges due to local practices
and co ndition s, such as, but not limited to, freight, ins ura nc e, taxes, li ce ns e f ees ,
import duties, and any and all other financial charges, inclu ding those levied by
governments, states, territories and their re sp ective age nc ies.
BRP reserves the right to improve or modify products from time to time without as-
suming any obligation to modify products previo us ly manufac tured.
If the ownership of a product is transferred during the warranty covera ge period,
this warranty shall also be transferred and be valid for the remaining coverag e pe-
riod provided BRP is notified of such transfer of ownership in the following way:
BRP or an authoriz ed BRP distributor/dealer receives a proof that the form er
owner agreed to the tran sfer of o wnershi p, in addition to the c oordinates of the
new owne r. The distributor will then forward this information directly to BRP.
1. In the event of a controversy or a dispute i n c onnec tion w ith thi s limited w ar-
ranty, BRP sugges ts that you try to re so lve the issue at the dealership level. We
recommend discus s ing the issue with the authorised dealer’s service manager
or owner.
2. If further assistance is required, the distributor’s service department should be
contacted in order to res olve the m atter.
3. If the m a tter still remains unresolved then contact BRP by writing to us at the ad-
dress listed below.