Ski-Doo GTI Series Jet Ski User Manual

PFD Type V, We arabl e must be worn.
When inflated, it provides buoyancy
equivalent to Type I, Il or III PFDs.
When it is deflated, howev er, it may
not support s om e people.
Some Important Considerations
Helmets are designed to offer som e
degree of protection in case of im-
pact to the head. In most motorized
sports, the benefits of we aring a hel-
met clearly outweigh the drawbacks.
However, in the case of motorized wa-
tersports s uc h as riding personal wa-
tercraft, this is not necessarily true as
there are som e p articular risks associ-
ated with the water.
A helmet helps to reduc e the risk of
injury in case of a head impact against
a hard surface such as another craft,
for example, in the case o f a collision.
Similarly, a helmet with a chinguard
might h elp prevent injuries to the face,
jaw, or teeth.
On the other hand, in s om e situa tions
when falling off the watercraft, hel-
mets have a tendenc y to catch the
water, l ike a “bucket”, and put severe
stresses on the neck or spine. This
could r es ult in choking, severe or per-
manent nec k or spine injury, o r death.
Helmets may also interfere with pe-
ripheral vision and hearing, or increa s e
fatigue, which could c ontribute to in-
crease the risk of a collision.
Weighing the Risks vs Benefits
In order t o decide whether or not you
should we ar a helmet, it is bes t to con-
sider the particular environ m ent you
will be riding i n, as wel l a s other fac-
tors such as persona l experience. Will
there be a lot of traffic on the water?
What is your riding style?
The Bottom Line
Since each option minimi zes some
risks, but increases oth ers, before
each ride you must decide wh ether
to wear a helmet or not based on your
particular situation.
If you decide to wear a helmet, you
must the n de cide wha t type is the
most appropriate for the circum-
stances. Look for helmets tha t meet
DOT or Snell standards, and if possi-
ble, choose one designed for motor-
ized watersports.
Due to the nature of competition and
the proximity of other crafts, BRP rec-
ommends wearing a helmet in close
quarter PWC racing activities. Always
follow the helmet requirements of the
sanctioning organi zation.
Addi ti onal Reco mmended
Equi pment
It is recommended that you acquire
additional equipment for safe, enjoy-
able cruisi ng. This list, which is not all
inclusive, includes i tems you should
consider acquiring.
First aid kit
Emergency s upply of drin king water
and food.
A cellular telephone in a waterproof
bag or container has also be en found
to be be neficial to boaters when in dis-
tress or just for contacting someone
on shore.