• This product must be inated on land. Do not inate in or near the water.
• Monitor ination during use as temperatures can cause air in the tube to expand or contract. Do
not leave product sitting in the sun when not in use.
• Do not exceed manufacturer’s recommended CAPACITY.
• Capacity: 8 people Weight limit: 1600 LBS
1. Locate the valve on the main tube
2. Inate main tube until it is rm (Please see the INFLATION section of this manual for proper
ination instructions).
3. Close valve completely.
4. Locate the valve on the central air chamber (located in the center of the mesh seating.) Follow
steps 2 and 3 to inate.
5. Locate the valves on the cooler. Follow steps 2 and 3 to inate.
6. For specic instructions on how to use a particular valve, see the INFLATION section.
7. You may now prepare the anchor for the product. Utilizing the anchor feature will reduce drift-
ing and unwanted motion of the product. This product may be anchored by lling the attached
anchor sack with sand, rocks, or a weight of up to 25lbs. Place the anchor on top of the item until
product is in the water at the desired location.
8. To attach the anchor assembly to the island, simply tie one end of the supplied rope to one
of the grommets on the side or top of the item. Lace the remaining end of the rope through the
holes in the top of the anchor bag and tie a knot at the end so the bag does not come off. Once
completed, the anchor bag will hang freely in the water from the item.
9. The product may be oated or pulled out to the location of your choice where it can remain for
10. If pulled to location, there should be no one on the product until towing has
s t o p p e d a n d t h e i t e m i s a n c h o r e d . D o n o t e x c e e d 5 m p h w h e n p u l l i n g t o l o c a t i o n .
11. Once the product is in the desired location, drop the anchor bag in the water. Have fun!
Your SPORTSSTUFF inatable is equipped with one or more of the following valve types:
Speed Safety Valve: Pulls out for fast ination/deation, then can be pushed in ush
with the tube. Secure the valve by rmly fastening the bottom portion of the
valve into the base. To inate, open cap or top portion of the valve. Using
the hose from your inator, inate through the top opening of the valve.