— 8 © 2006 Skier’s Choice, Inc.
Carbon Monoxide (CO) Safety
Carbon monoxide is a colorless, odorless and tasteless
gas. It is produced by gasoline engines and is a component
of exhaust fumes.
Shut off the engine when people are on the swim platform
or in the water around the rear of the boat.
Do not teak surf, wake surf, or do any other activities
which puts people in close proximity of the transom when
the engine is running.
For the most current information on carbon monoxide,
you may call, write or visit on-line any of the following:
United States Coast Guard
Office of Boating Safety (G-OPB-3)
2100 Second Street SW
Washington, DC 20593-0001
National Marine Manufacturers Association
200 East Randolph Drive, Suite 5100
Chicago, IL 60601-6528
American Boat & Yacht Council, Inc.
3069 Solomon’s Island Road
Edgewater, MD 21037-1416
Product Misuse
Misuse of the product or use of it in a manner for which it
was never intended can create dangerous situations. The
driver and passengers are responsible for using the product
safely and as intended. The driver must operate the boat in
a manner that ensures the safety of all passengers. If you or
your passengers are unsure about use of the product, about
performing certain boating maneuvers or are unsure about a
particular water activity, refer to this manual or contact a
knowledgeable source such as your local dealer, Skier’s
Choice, Inc., the US Coast Guard, or your local boating
Skiing Safety
Skiers are obligated to be as aware of the fundamental
safety rules as well as the boat operator. If you are new to
water skiing, seek certified training before starting. You
will find it especially helpful to join a local ski club and
USA Waterski when possible.
Always remember that the majority of water skiing injuries
are the result of impacts with other objects, so always
look where you are going and be aware of what is going
on around you.
Ski Pylon Extensions
The use of a ski pylon extension or extensions in excess
of 7-feet vertical is not recommended by Supra on our
products. If you elect to use merchandise such as these,
be aware that they could create excessive stress on your
boat and subjectively cause damages not covered by the
Failure to adhere to these warnings may result in
severe injury or death to you and/or others.
- Every skier must always wear a USCG-approved
personal flotation device.
- Maintain a distance of at least 100 feet from all other
objects, including other boats, piers, rafts, mooring and
navigational buoys, pilings, abutments, or any other
- Always have an experienced driver and observer in the
boat when skiing.
- Never ski in shallow water, close to shore, or in water
where you do not know the depth or what is beneath
the surface.
- Never put your arm, head, or any other part of your body
through the handle-bridle of the ski line nor wrap the
line around any part of the body at any time.
- Never ski at night, or directly in front of other boats.
- Never jump from a boat that is moving at any speed, nor
enter or exit the water when the engine is running (ON).
- Make sure that everyone knows and uses approved
skiing hand signals and common skiing courtesy.