User Manual 29 Y1-03-0203 Rev.L
e) Confirmation of Broadcast Sent Message
This Confirmation Screen shows that the message was successfully transmitted on the Broadcast
Setting. By pressing [Back] the user automatically returns to the Message Editor for further
Messaging. The [SendTo] returns the user to the Vessel Listing, with the option of further Message
Writing to individual vessels.
In the case of failed transmission, the following screen appears. In this case, it is recommended to
retransmit the Broadcast Message.
N 1
19' E 0
13' |1>0.10|2>1.30|3>1.80nm
Broadcast Transmission Status
[+] OK, broadcast successful
| | Send To | | <-Back
N 1
19' E 0
13' |1>0.10|2>1.30|3>1.80nm
Broadcast Transmission Status
[-] Message could not be sent
| | Send To | |<-Back