User Manual 87 Y1-03-0203 Rev.L
5.2 Alarm Codes
Reaction: The transponder unit stops transmission. If Alarm ID 01 and
ID 02 are simultaneously displayed, then a major antenna problem has
Check if the antenna is AIS compatible (156-162 MHz) and if the
antenna cabling has a short circuit or is missing any contacts at the
If the ID 01 is displayed as a stand alone message, then the unit
requires replacing.
AIS: Antenna VSWR
exceeds limit
(VSWR - Voltage
Standing Wave Ratio)
VHF antenna,
Reaction: The transponder unit continues transmission.
Check the antenna and the antenna cabling (RG214 / 50 Ohm cable
AIS: Rx channel 1
Reaction: The transponder unit stops transmission on the affected
If this alarm reoccurs regularly, then the transponder unit requires
AIS; Rx channel 2
AIS: Rx channel 70
Reaction: The transponder unit stops transmission.
The transponder unit requires replacing.
AIS; External EPFS lost
(EPFS = electronic
Position Fixing System
such as GPS)
No valid data on
Ch1, Ch2 or Ch3
is available
Reaction: The transponder unit continues operation using the position
data of the internal GPS. If there is no valid position data available from
the internal GPS, error 026 is additionally displayed.
Id 25 indicates that the sentences GLL, GNS, GGA, RMC cannot be
received. Check the sensor and the cabling; check if the system that
delivers the data is working. Check the baud rate settings of the sensor
inputs. AIS requires the protocol NMEA 0183 V3.0!
AIS: No sensor position
in use
No valid position
from internal GPS
or external
position sensor
Reaction: The transponder unit continues operation.
Check the sensor cabling and the antenna of the internal GPS sensor.
AIS: No valid SOG
No valid data from
external speed
sensor or internal
Reaction: The transponder unit continues operation and displays SOG:
The sentences VBW, VTG, RMC cannot be received. Check the sensor
and the cabling; check if the system that delivers the data is working.
Check the baud rate settings of the sensor inputs. AIS requires the
protocol NMEA 0183 V3.0!
AIS: No valid COG
No valid data from
external sensor or
internal GPS
Reaction: The transponder unit continues operation and displays COG:
The sentences VBW, VTG, RMC cannot be received. Check the sensor
and the cabling, check if the system that delivers the data is working.
Check the baud rate settings of the sensor inputs. AIS requires the
protocol NMEA 0183 V3.0!
AIS: Heading lost/invalid
No valid data from
external sensor
Reaction: The transponder unit continues operation
The sentence for HDT cannot be received. Check the sensor and the
cabling, check if the system that delivers the data is working. Check the
baud rate settings of the sensor inputs. Mention AIS accepts true
heading only (no magnetic).
AIS: No valid ROT
No ROT indicator
is used.
No valid data from
external sensor
Reaction: The transponder unit continues operation
The sentence for ROT cannot be received. If a Rate Of Turn indicator is
not in use, then it suffices to just acknowledge the alarm. The Alarm
Status will store the information that no ROT sensor is available.
Otherwise, check the sensor and the cabling. Check if the system that
delivers the data is working. Check the baud rate settings of the sensor
inputs. The AIS requires the protocol NMEA 0183 V3.0!