Appendix B: Redirection Server June 30, 2006
B-8 SG1-UM-8500-03
Using show version command
• The show version command displays the software and hardware versions.
• It is located at the “main” menu.
show version <software | hardware | pack>
It shows the current system software version.
It shows the current system hardware version.
It shows the current system software pack.
Example 1:
Example 2:
RDSHost> show version hardware <cr>
Module Num Part No. Serial No. Version
------ --- -------- ---------- ----------------
RDS 1 780-002 1234567 V1.0_RDS_1000_128
RDSHost> show version software <cr>
Module Num Version
------- ----- ---------------------------------
EDS 1 V1.0_RDS October 29 2001 19:49:43
Kernel 2 V2.4 October 29 2001 15:00:10