
Configuring System Information
90 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
Configuring Boot File Information
You must specify the location from which to boot the management card image file. For an
explanation of Avidia image files, see Avidia System File Management on page 8. From the
::system=> prompt, type the boot command in the following format then press .
boot (nvram|network) [<file> [<ipaddr>]]
Specifies the location of the image file you want to boot. Options:
nvramBoots the specified image file from the management card NVRAM.
networkBoots the specified image file from a network.
[<file>] (This parameter is required if you set the previous parameter to network.)
The complete path and file name of the image file you want to boot, including the file name
extension. If the image file is stored on a TFTP server in a directory other than the default
directory, you must specify the path. See your TFTP server documentation to determine the
required path syntax. If you do not specify the file name, the management card attempts to
boot the available image files in the following order:
1 amc.newAn image file that has been downloaded from a TFTP server but has not
yet been booted or validated. Once the file has been validated, the file name extension
is automatically changed to .bin.
2 amc.binThe image file that came preinstalled on the management card or an image
file that was downloaded from a TFTP server and has been booted and validated by the
management card.
3 amc.altA backup image file you can create prior to downloading a new image file.
[<ipaddr>] (This parameter is required if you set the previous parameter to network.)
The IP address of the TFTP server on the network from which you want to boot the image
::system=> boot nvram
::system=> boot network amc.bin