
Monitoring System Alarms
548 Avidia System Configuration and Management User Manual
Most Serious Alarm The most serious alarm that is occurring in the corresponding slot. The
currently supported alarms are:
Chassis Alarmscritical
Chassis power alarmOne or more chassis power inputs is down.
Chassis fan failureOne or more of the four chassis fans is down.
Chassis temperature alarm
The chassis temperature has exceeded
the allowable threshold. This threshold is not user configurable.
Chassis line card down alarm
The management card cannot
communicate with the line card.
Chassis cell bus down alarm
The cell bus is not operational.
ADSL Alarmsminor
ADSL Loss of Frame (ATU-C/ATU-R)The Loss of Framing 15 minute
interval threshold has been exceeded.
ADSL Loss of Signal (ATU-C/ATU-R)
The Loss of Signal 15 minute
interval threshold has been exceeded.
ADSL Errored Seconds (ATU-C/ATU-R)
The Errored Seconds 15
minute interval threshold has been exceeded.
ADSL RLPRs (Loss of Power) (ATU-C/ATU-R)
Either the ATU-C or
ATU-R has lost power.
ADSL Rate Change (ATU-C/ATU-R)
The actual rate is different than
the configured rate.
ADSL Initialization Failure Trap (ATU-C/ATU-R)
ADSL line
initialization failed.
Alarm Severity The severity of the most serious alarm that is occurring.
Information Description