ARK-7480 User Manual 22
3.4 LVDS/LCD Power Select (JP4)
The ARK-7480 series of embedded box computers provide a jumper for
JP4 located on internal ARK-7480 motherboard for selecting the LCD sig-
nal power of 5V or 3.3V. When you connect your LVDS LCD Panel dis-
play, you may need to set up this jumper to suit for your LVDS Panel
(*): means default setting of the jumper/function
3.5 COM2 RS-232/422/485 Jumper setting (JP5)
The COM2 port located on front metal face plate of ARK-7480 unit which
can be configured to operate in RS-232, RS-422 or RS-485 mode by setting
up the Jumper Pins of JP5 located on internal motherboard of ARK-7480
(*): means default setting of the jumper/function
3.6 COM 1 ~ COM 6 Ring / Voltage Selection (JP1)
The “RI” signal pin of COM1 ~ COM6 can be configured to support the
functions of either carrying the power source of 5V or 12V; or wake on
Table 3.2:
JP4 : LCD Power Setting
Function Pin Setting
+5V 1-2 closed
+3.3V * 2-3 closed *
Table 3.3:
JP5 : COM2 RS-232/422/485 Jumper Selection
Function Pin Setting
RS-232 * 5-6 closed
RS-422 3-4 closed
RS-485 1-2 closed
Table 3.4:
JP1 : COM1~COM6 Ring/Voltage Selection
Serial Port Function Pin Setting