67 Chapter 5
Figure 5.2: BIOS Screen of “Panel Resolution”
5.1.2 Display type
The ARK-7480 can be set in one of three configurations: on a CRT, on a
flat panel display, or on both dual independent displays. The system is
initially set to dual display mode. If you want to enable the CRT display
only or the flat panel display only, please contact Intel Corporation or our
sales representative for detailed information.
5.1.3 Dual Independent Display
The ARK-7480 uses an Intel 852GME controller that is capable of pro-
viding multiple views and simultaneous display with mixed video and
graphics on a flat panel and CRT. To set up dual display under Windows
2000/XP, please refer the figure 5.3 and follow these steps:
1. Select “Start”, “Control panel”, "Display", “Settings” "Advanced",
"Graphics Properties", “Device".
2. Select “1” for current display, or “2” for second display.
3. Enable “Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor”.
4. Click “OK”.