Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
To configure the motherboard jumpers and set up the BIOS
To Configure the FIC Series VA-503A Motherboard BIOS Parameters
Use this procedure to set the FIC VA-503A motherboard BIOS.
Connect the power cable to the Infiniium oscilloscope.
2 Connect the mouse to the rear panel of the oscilloscope.
3 Connect the external keyboard to the rear panel.
4 Power up the Infiniium. A message similar to the following should appear on the screen.
Award Modular BIOS v.4.51PG - An Energy Star Friend
Copyright © 1984-99 Award Software
Version JN4104
AMD K6T-2/X00 CPU Found
Memory Test: 65536K OK
Press DEL to enter SETUP, ALT + F2 to enter AWDFLASH.
Note: If you see the word “ERROR” in the last few lines, or the oscilloscope does not appear to
be functioning, check the motherboard jumper, switch settings, and the ribbon cable connectors.
Otherwise, continue with the next step.
Press the Delete key when prompted by the message above to enter the BIOS setup
6 Using the keyboard down arrow, key down to LOAD SETUP DEFAULTS and type “Y”
to load the setup defaults.
7 Go to the standard CMOS setup and verify or change these settings:
When you are finished, press
Esc to exit the menu.
8 Go to the BIOS Features Setup and verify or change these settings:
When you are finished, press Esc to exit the menu.
9 Go to the Chipset Features menu and change this setting:
10 Under the Power Management Setup, change these settings:
11 Under the PnP/PCI Configuration, change these settings:
a Set Date and Time
b Primary Master Type Auto
c Primary Master Mode Auto
d Primary Slave None
e Secondary Master None
f Secondary Slave None
g Drive A None
h Drive B None
i Floppy 3 Mode Support Disabled
j Video EGA/VGA
k Halt On All, But Keyboard
a Anti-Virus Disabled
b Boot from LAN First Disabled
c Boot Sequence LS/ZIP,C
d Boot Up Floppy Seek Disabled
e Boot Up Numlock Status Off
f Cyrix 6x86/MII CPUID Disabled
a OnChip Modem Disabled
a Modem use IRQ NA
b HDD Power Down 15 min
a PnP OS Installed Yes
b Resources Controlled By Manual
c IRQ-9 assigned to Legacy ISA