Contents 1
1 General Information 1-2
Instruments covered by this service guide 1-2
Accessories supplied 1-3
Options available 1-4
Accessories available 1-5
Specifications & characteristics 1-7
Agilent Technologies 54835A/45A/46A general characteristics 1-14
Recommended test equipment 1-16
2 Preparing for Use 2-2
Setting Up the Oscilloscope 2-3
To inspect the instrument 2-3
To connect power 2-4
To connect the mouse or other pointing device 2-5
To attach the optional trackball 2-5
To connect the keyboard 2-7
To connect to the LAN card 2-7
To connect oscilloscope probes 2-8
To connect a printer 2-9
To connect an external monitor 2-10
To connect the GPIB cable 2-10
To tilt the oscilloscope upward for easier viewing 2-11
To power on the oscilloscope 2-12
To verify basic oscilloscope operation 2-13
To clean the instrument 2-14
To clean the display monitor contrast filter 2-14
3 Testing Performance 3-2
Testing Interval 3-2
Equipment Required 3-2
Self-Test Verification 3-2
Test Record 3-3
Operating Hints 3-3
Specifications 3-3
Performance Test Procedures 3-3
To test the dc calibrator 3-4
To test input resistance 3-6
To test voltage measurement accuracy 3-7
To test offset accuracy 3-11
To test bandwidth 3-13
To test time measurement accuracy 3-16
To test trigger sensitivity 3-23
4 Calibrating and Adjusting 4-2
Equipment Required 4-2
Self Calibration Interval and Hardware Adjustments 4-2