Chapter 5: Troubleshooting
To troubleshoot the acquisition system
Interpolator failed
Replace the acquisition assembly when this te st fails. Before you replace the acquisition assembly
wi th a fa ctory r ebuil t exch ange a ssemb ly, re cord the con tact c losur e info rmati on for e ach c hannel
onto the labels attached to each attenuator. Agilent Technologies uses this to determine when
to replace the attenuators to insure quality of future exchange assemblies.
Timebase failed
Replace the acquisition assembly when this te st fails. Before you replace the acquisition assembly
wi th a fa ctory r ebuil t exch ange a ssemb ly, re cord the con tact c losur e info rmati on for e ach c hannel
onto the labels attached to each attenuator. Agilent Technologies uses this to determine when
to replace the attenuators to insure quality of future exchange assemblies.
Attenuator contact warning
The oscilloscope software monitors closures for each set of attenuator contacts and accumulates
the closure count. The set of contacts with the highest number of closures is the one reported
for the channel. When the accumulation for any set of contacts for a channel reaches two million
closures, this test displays a warning message. This warning is not an indication of attenuator
failure. This warning does advise you that the attenuator is near the mean of its range of reliable
usage. You should plan your maintenance strategy based on this contact closure information and
your application. For example, in an automated test application, you might want to replace
attenuators as soon as the warning appears; this will help prevent costly production line stops.
In a bench test application, you might choose to take the warning as an advisory only, and
continue to monitor the oscilloscope’s measurement accuracy. You can then replace attenuators
when measurement accuracy changes dramatically or when a failure occurs.
Scroll Mode Counter failed
Replace the scope interface board.
Nonvolatile SRAM failed
Replace the scope interface board.
Video RAM failed
Replace the scope interface board.
Video SRAM failed
Replace the scope interface board.
Tri-State Register failed
Replace the scope interface board.
Timer failed
Replace the scope interface board.
Video Control Register failed
Replace the scope interface board.
Test Acquisition State/Control Register failed
Replace the scope interface board.