Chapter 3: Testing Performance
To test trigger sensitivity
To test trigger sensitivity
This test checks channel and external triggers for sensitivity at rated bandwidth.
Equipment Required
Internal Trigger Test
Perform this test on all vertical channels.
Press Default Setup.
2 Select Acquisition from the Setup menu.
3 Select Equivalent time sampling mode. Enable Averaging and set the number of points
to 4. Click Close.
See figure 3-16.
Figure 3-16
Acquisition Setup for Trigger Sensitivity Test
4 Set horizontal time/div to 5 ns/div.
dc to 500 MHz: 0.5 div
100 MHz to 500 MHz: 1.0 div
500 MHz to 1 GHz: 1.5 div
dc to 500 MHz: 300 mV
Equipment Critical Specifications Recommended Model/Part
Signal Generator 100 and 500 MHz, 1.0 GHz, 30-80 mVrms output Agilent 8664A
Power Splitter outputs differ by <0.15 dB Agilent 11667A
Termination BNC feedthrough, 50 Ω Agilent 10100C
Cable Type N (m) 24 inch Agilent 11500B
Cable 50 Ω BNC 36 inch Agilent 10503A
Adapter Type N (f) to BNC (m) Agilent 1250-0077
Adapter Type N (m) to BNC (m) Agilent 1250-0082
Adapter Type N (m) to BNC (f) Agilent 1250-0780
Adapter BNC tee (m)(f)(f) Agilent 1250-0781