:BOOT[:WARM] DIAGnostic:BOOT[:WARM] causes the System Instrument to restart (re-boot)
using the current configuration stored in non-volatile memory. The effect is the
same as cycling power.
Comments • The System Instrument goes through its power-up self tests.
• The non-volatile system state is used for configuration wherever
• Related Commands: DIAG:BOOT:COLD
Example Booting the System Instrument (warm)
DIAG:BOOT:WARM force boot
DIAGnostic:COMMunicate:SERial[0][:OWNer] < owner > Allocates the
built-in serial interface to the System Instrument, the optional IBASIC
interpreter, or to neither.
Parameters Parameter
Range of
owner discrete SYSTem| IBASic| NONE none
Comments • While the serial interface is allocated to the Command Module
(SYSTem), it can function as the mainframe user interface when
connected to a terminal or computer running terminal emulation
• When the built-in serial interface is allocated to IBASIC, it is controlled
only by IBASIC. The serial interface is given a select code of 9, and any
RS-232 device connected to the (Command Module) RS-232 port is
programmed accordingly.
• If the built-in serial interface is not needed, specifying NONE will release
memory for use by other instruments.
• Once the new serial interface owner has been specified
(DIAG:COMM:SER:OWN), the change will not take effect until you
re-boot (warm) the system.
• Related Commands: DIAGnostic:COMMunicate:SERial[:OWNer]
Example Give the serial interface to IBASIC.
DIAG:COMM:SER IBAS Note; :OWNer is implied
DIAG:BOOT:WARM Complete the allocation
System Instrument Command Reference 7-7