To get a list of the logical addresses used in your mainframe, send the SCPI
command VXI:CONF:DLAD? to the System Instrument. Then to determine
what instrument is at each logical address, send the command
VXI:CONF:DLIS? n for each logical address in the list (where n is a logical
Returning to the “Select an
Instrument” Prompt
To return to the “Select an instrument” prompt, press and hold the CTRL key
then press D.
Control Sequences for
Terminal Interface Functions
The terminal interface provides the keyboard control sequences listed in Table
3-3. These can be thought of as keyboard short-cuts for compatible terminals
(those which provide menu capability). Only those functions in the table which
are shaded, operate for “UNKNOWN” terminal types (those which do not
support menus). An “UNKNOWN” terminal type has very limited editing
capability. It will not support the EDIT mode for the optional IBASIC
interpreter. In the following table, † = IBASIC only, ‡ = Front Panel only.
Del char Delete character at the cursor position CTRL-X
Clr →end Clears line from cursor position to end of line CTRL-L
Clear line Clears line regardless of cursor position CTRL-U
Insert line † Inserts a blank line at the cursor position CTRL-O
Delete line † ‡ Deletes the line at the current cursor position CTRL-DEL
End of line Move cursor to the end of current line CTRL-Z
Start of line Move cursor to the beginning of current line CTRL-A
Return Terminates user entry CTRL-M
RCL_MENU Recalls the last command executed via the
menu keys
RCL_PREV Recalls the last several commands executed
via user input
used to move forward through the recalled
SEL_INST Return to “Select an instrument” menu CTRL-D
CLR_INST Clear instrument’s input and output buffers CTRL-C
RST_INST Like CLR_INST plus clears CTRL-R
Table 3-3. Control Sequence Functions
3-22 Using the Display Terminal Interface