Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 9 7-39
Command Reference
This command sets the channel configuration, which determines how you specify
the channel_list or card_number in other commands. For details, refer to "Channel
List and Channel Configuration" in Chapter 5.
When configuration is changed by :ROUT:FUNC, all channels are opened
(disconnected) and become same status as after SYSTem:CPON ALL command
At *RST, this parameter is set to NCONfig.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:FUNCtion channel_config
Example OUTPUT @Hp5250;":ROUT:FUNC ACON"
This query command returns the present channel configuration.
For details, refer to "Channel List and Channel Configuration" in Chapter 5.
Syntax [:ROUTe]:FUNCtion?
Query response ACON or NCON <newline><^END>
Example OUTPUT @Hp5250;":ROUT:FUNC ACON"
ENTER @Hp5250;A$
In above example, A$ will be as follows:
Parameter Explanation
channel_config ACONfig: Auto Config Mode
NCONfig: Normal Config Mode