
Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 9 11-7
Error Messages
Standard SCPI Error Messages
Execution Error
If syntax of a SCPI command header and parameter is valid, but the command
cannot be executed due to some condition of the E5250A, a -2XX error occurs. The
error number and message are placed in the error queue, and bit4 of the Standard
Event Status Register is set.
Error Message and Description
-200 Execution error
Generic execution error that cannot be determined more
-220 Parameter error
The parameter value is valid, but not executable due to some
condition of the E5250A. This error occurs if more specific errors
-221 through -224 cannot be determined.
-222 Data out of range
A valid parameter setting could not be executed because interpreted
value was out of range as defined by the E5250A.
-223 Too much data
A valid parameter setting (block, expression, or string type) could
not be executed because parameter contained more data than the
E5250A could handle due to insufficient memory or other
-224 Illegal parameter value
A valid parameter setting (where exact value from list of possibles
was expected) could not be executed due to present E5250A state.
-260 Expression error
An expression related error occurred.