Remote Operation Remote Operation Command Details
MA24106A UG 4-3
Description: Gets the current cal factor frequency value from the sensor.
Syntax: FREQ? + LF
Return Value: Current cal factor frequency in GHz
Description: Sets the current cal factor frequency value for the sensor.
Syntax: FREQ fghz + LF
Return Value: OK or ERR
Remarks: “fghz” is the cal factor frequency value in GHz. “fghz” must be between 0.05 GHz to
6 GHz. Available resolution is 3 digits after the decimal point.
Description: Zeros the power sensor.
Syntax: ZERO + LF
Return Value: OK if successful and ERR if zeroing failed.
Remarks: In case of zero failure, the STATUS? command can be used to retrieve more detail about
the error. See the STATUS? command for more detail. It takes 19 seconds to zero a
sensor, please wait at least this long to get a response from the sensor.
Description: Gets the current temperature reading from the sensor.
Syntax: TMP? + LF
Return Value: Current temperature in degrees C.
Description: Get error status byte from the sensor.
Syntax: STATUS? + LF
Return Value: Error status byte
Remarks: Error status byte information:
Status.b0 -> ZERO_TEMP_ERROR (Temperature changed more than
allowable limit after zeroing sensor)
Status.b1 -> Not Used
Status.b2 -> ADC_CH2_OR (Temperature over range)
Status.b3 -> ADC_CH3_OR (Detector A over ranged)
Status.b4 -> ZERO_ERROR_DET_A
Status.b5 -> ZERO_ERROR_DET_B
Status.b6 -> TEMP_ERROR (Temperature beyond operating range)
Status.b7 -> Not Used