Sample Visual Basic Code Using the Demo Application
MA24106A UG B-3
'Event handler for MSComm1 event
Private Sub MSComm1_OnComm()
'Get data from Input buffer
gstrInputBuffer = MSComm1.Input
'Display received result on the Received text box
txtReceived.Text = gstrInputBuffer
End Sub
'Event handler for GetFreq button
Private Sub btnGetFreq_Click()
txtCommand.Text = "FREQ?"
Call btnSend_Click
End Sub
'Event handler for GetPower button
Private Sub btnGetPower_Click()
txtCommand.Text = "PWR?"
Call btnSend_Click
End Sub
'Event handler for SetFreq button
Private Sub btnSetFreq_Click()
txtCommand.Text = "FREQ " & txtFreq.Text
Call btnSend_Click
End Sub
'Event handler for ZeroSensor button
Private Sub btnZeroSensor_Click()
txtCommand.Text = "ZERO"
Call btnSend_Click
'Sensor will return OK after about 19 Seconds
End Sub
'Event handler for Close button
Private Sub btnClose_Click()
'Make sure we close the com port before we exit the app
If MSComm1.PortOpen = True Then
'Stop sensor from making measurements
txtCommand.Text = "STOP"
Call btnSend_Click
'Wait for half a second after sending START command
Delay (0.5)
MSComm1.PortOpen = False
End If
'Close the app
End Sub