Using a PC Card modem
When you are using a PC Card modem, make sure you do the following:
1Install the communications software you want to use.
PC Card modems work with your communications software by accessing a
feature of your Macintosh PowerBook’s software called the Communications
To olbox. Your software must support the Communications Toolbox in order to
use PC Card modems. If you’re not sure whether or not your communications
software supports the Communications Toolbox, contact the software’s
See the documentation that came with your communications software for
instructions on setting up a PC Card modem. Check to see if PC Card modem
files for your software were included.
Modem files for some communications programs (AppleLink, Apple Remote
Access [ARA], and eWorld) come on your Macintosh PowerBook’s hard disk.
The instructions for setting up your modem with these application programs
are given in the sections below. You can get other modem files from the
manufacturer of your communications software. You can use the steps given
below for setting up eWorld, ARA, and AppleLink as guidelines for setting
up your PC Card modem with other types of communications software if you
are having trouble connecting.
2Insert the PC Card modem.
When a PC Card modem is inserted, the following icon may appear on the
Some card manufacturers may use a custom icon.
3Plug your modem into a working phone line.
4 Follow instructions for setting up your modem with the communications software you
are using.
Chapter 3