13 Turn on the other SCSI devices in the chain, if any.
14 Turn on the other computer.
The PowerBook appears as a hard disk icon on the screen of the computer
you connected it to. You can now transfer and use files as if the Macintosh
PowerBook were an external hard disk.
Simplifying the connection process
If you plan to use your Macintosh PowerBook regularly as a hard disk
with the same computer, you can leave the SCSI adapter cable attached to the
other computer or its SCSI chain. (Make sure a terminator is attached
between the other SCSI cables and the adapter.) When you want to use your
PowerBook as a hard disk, simply shut down all devices and connect the
adapter cable to the SCSI port on your PowerBook.
Always disconnect your Macintosh PowerBook from the
adapter cable when you are not using it as a hard disk. Your PowerBook
will not work correctly if the adapter cable remains attached.
Connect and disconnect your computer here.
These cables can stay attached to your
other computer or its SCSI chain.
HDI-30 SCSI Disk Adapter
If you do not see the SCSI icon, and the computer starts
normally or displays an error message, press the Power key to shut down
the computer (if you can) and then immediately disconnect your
computer from the SCSI chain. (If you cannot shut down your
Macintosh PowerBook, you should disconnect the cable anyway, or you
may lose information.) Then go back and repeat steps 8 through 12,
making sure to use the proper cables.
Chapter 4