
Problems with hardware
RAM or cache diagnostic error
You see a message that a problem was detected with RAM or cache memory.
If you see this type of error message, please take your computer to an Apple-
authorized service provider. Ignoring this condition could lead to random
errors and failure that could result in your losing data. (Although the error
message may not reappear, the problem detected during the computer’s self-
check probably has not gone away.)
Floppy disk drive
You can’t eject a floppy disk.
The disk may be stuck. Restart the computer, holding down the trackpad
button. If the disk is not ejected, you can eject it manually. Carefully insert
the end of a straightened paper clip into the small hole near the disk drive’s
opening, and push firmly until the disk is ejected.
Insert the end of a
large, straightened
paper clip into
this hole.
Chapter 7