
If you don’t have disks on hand, you can skip these instructions for the
moment. But the sooner you make the system software disks, the better. Buy
the disks as soon as possible; then return to this section and follow these
Be sure you make at least one set of disks as soon as possible, in
case you need to reinstall your system software.
Making a set of disks
To make backup copies of system software, follow these steps:
1 Locate the System Backup folder on the hard disk.
2 Open the Floppy Disk Maker program.
The program’s welcome screen appears.
3Click Minimum Set.
For your PowerBook, the minimum set and full set are the same. You can use
either button and the number of disks (as well as their content) will be
If you need to stop Floppy Disk Maker in the middle of making a set of disks,
click Quit. Floppy Disk Maker will remember where you were in the disk-
making process, and will resume where you left off when you restart Floppy
Disk Maker.
Making Backup Floppy Disks