Appendix Server Diagnostics Test Reference 41
Test Estimated completion time Description
Random 45 seconds Uses pseudo-random values.
Block Checkerboard 32 15 seconds Alternates 32-bit words with all
1s and all 0s, and then with all
0s and all 1s.
Bit Checkerboard 32 15 seconds Alternates bits with all 1s and
all 0s, and then with all 0s and
all 1s.
Sequential Byte Block 32 32 minutes Fills bytes sequentially with
patterns starting at 0x00 and
ending at 0xFF.
Walking One 32 15 minutes Walks 1s up and down memory.
Walking Zero 32 15 minutes Walks 0s up and down memory.
Walking Spread Bit 32 15 minutes Walks 0b01 up and then walks
0b10 down memory.
Walking Bit Flip 32 15 minutes Alternates words with walking
1 and walking 0, and then
alternates with walking 0 and
walking 1.
Multicore Memory Tests
In Server Diagnostics EFI, all memory tests (simple, multicore, and extended) are
grouped under Memory tests.
Note: The time required to complete memory tests correlates to the amount of
memory being tested. These estimates are based on testing 8 GB of memory.
Test Estimated completion time Description
MP Block Checkerboard 10 seconds Alternates 32-bit words with all
1s and all 0s, and then with all
0s and all 1s.
MP Bit Checkerboard 10 seconds Alternates bits with all 1s and
all 0s, and then with all 0s and
all 1s.
MP Sequential Byte Block 16 minutes Fills bytes sequentially with
patterns starting at 0x00 and
ending at 0xFF.
MP Walking One 7 minutes Walks 1s up and down memory.
MP Walking Zero 7 minutes Walks 0s up and down memory.
MP Walking Spread Bit 7 minutes Walks 0b01 up and then walks
0b10 down memory.