Appendix Server Diagnostics Test Reference 43
Power Supply Tests
Test Estimated completion time Description
Good 1 second Checks if the power supply’s
good bit is set. If it’s not set, this
could indicate that the power
supply isn’t seated well or is bad,
or that there’s no AC connected.
Processor Tests
Test Estimated completion time Description
L1 Cache Test 3 seconds Veries that the L1 cache is
good on all processor cores.
Sensor Tests
When Server Diagnostics EFI starts, it performs a hardware existence test. Sensors
found during this test can be tested individually using sensor tests.
Test Estimated completion time Description
Sensor Reads 1 second Veries that the sensor reads are
within the preset sensor limits.
SMC PID Sensor Tests
The System Management Controller (SMC) monitors the Proportional Integral
Derivative (PID) controller which controls several important temperature sensors.
Test Estimated completion time Description
SMC PID Sensor 1 second Veries that the sensor reads
controlled by the PID are within
the preset sensor limits.
USB Tests
Connect USB devices before running USB tests.
Test Estimated completion time Description
Presence 1 second Veries that a USB device is