Chapter 4 Using the Log and Transfer Window 77
8 If the format you are ingesting is not natively supported by Final Cut Pro (such as
AVCHD or AVC-Intra), you need to choose a format to transcode your footage to. For
more information, see “Log and Transfer Plug-in Transcode Settings” on page 93.
9 Select a clip in the Browse area of the Log and Transfer window to view it in the
Preview area.
10 In the Preview area, set In and Out points to identify the media you want to ingest.
Note: Some formats do not support setting In and Out points.
11 Change the clip’s Reel property in the Browse area, Logging area, or Preview area.
By default, a clip’s Reel property is the same as the name of the volume where it is
stored. If the clip is part of a spanned clip, its Reel property defaults to Spanned Reel. If
you want, you can change a clip’s Reel property to a more memorable name. This is
useful if you want to reingest a clip’s media later and you need to remember where the
clip’s original media is stored. Changing a clip’s reel name is particularly important
when working with spanned clips. For more information, see “Choosing Reel Names
and Understanding Volume Names” on page 88.
12 Change the clip name to a more meaningful name than the default name assigned by
the camcorder.
13 Add descriptive information about each clip in the logging fields. These properties are
included with the clip when it is ingested and stored in the Browser.
14 Click Import Settings in the Logging area, then select the video and audio channels you
want to ingest. The number of audio channels available (usually two or four) depends
on how many channels the clip in the Browse area contains. You can group pairs of
audio channels as stereo or dual mono.
Note: Some formats are automatically mixed down to stereo. In these cases, you
cannot adjust audio settings in the Import Settings pane.
15 Do one of the following:
 In the Browse area, select one or more clips, then click Add Selection to Queue.
 In the Preview area, click Add Clip to Queue.
Note: When you click the Add Clip to Queue button, only the clip that appears in the
Preview area is added to the Transfer Queue.
For more ways to add clips to the Transfer Queue, see “Adding Clips to the Transfer
Queue for Ingest” on page 86.
16 Watch the Transfer Queue area to see the status of your ingested media.