Chapter 4 Using the Log and Transfer Window 93
Setting Log and Transfer Import Preferences
The Log and Transfer window has several preferences that you can access by choosing
Preferences from the Action pop-up menu in the Browse area:
 Remove Advanced Pulldown and Duplicate Frames
 Clear Logging Autofill Cache
 Log and Transfer Plug-in Transcode Settings
Remove Advanced Pulldown and Duplicate Frames
This option removes advanced pull-down and redundant (duplicate) frames recorded
in formats such as DVCPRO HD.
Clear Logging Autofill Cache
This option empties the cache of information previously entered in each logging field.
For more information, see “Using the Logging Area” on page 84.
Log and Transfer Plug-in Transcode Settings
For formats not natively supported by Final Cut Pro, you can choose a format to
transcode your footage to during ingest. The Log and Transfer window plug-in for each
storage media type (Panasonic P2, AVCHD, and so on) defines which formats are not
natively supported by Final Cut Pro and which destination codecs you can transcode
these formats to.
For example, the built-in P2 AVC-Intra plug-in allows you to transcode AVC-Intra
footage to Apple ProRes 422 or Apple ProRes 422 (HQ) footage.
To choose the destination codec for non-native footage transferred in the Log and
Transfer window:
1 In the Log and Transfer window, choose Preferences from the Action pop-up menu in
the upper-right corner of the Browse area.
2 In the dialog that appears, identify the plug-in and format you want to transcode,
choose a destination codec in the “Transcode to” column, then click OK.