commas (,), you must enclose the string
in double quotes. It is illegal so have a
double quote within string data or a
string literal. (""BASIC"" is illegal.)
INPUT INPUT [!] ["prompt string literal";] 3 INPUT V,W,W2
variable [, variable] ...
Requests data from the keyboard (to be
typed in). Each value must be separated
from the preceeding value by a comma (,).
The last value typed should be followed by
a carriage return. A "?" is displayed as a
prompt character. Only constants may be
typed in as a response to an INPUT state-
ment, such as 4.5E-3 or "CAT." If more
data was requested in an INPUT statement
than was typed in, a "??" is printed and
the rest of the data should be typed in. If
more data was typed in than was requested,
the warning "EXTRA IGNORED" will be
displayed. Strings must be input in the
same format as they are specified in DATA
Optionally displays a prompt string 5 INPUT "VALUE";V
("VALUE") before requesting data from
the keyboard. If RETURN is typed to an
input statement, BASIC returns to com-
command mode. Typing CONT after an
INPUT command has been interrupted
will cause execution to resume at the
INPUT statement.
If the optional character ! is included 15 INPUT! "VALUE";V
following INPUT, then the prompts from
the INPUT statement and the user's entries
will be printed (even if the printer is
turned off) and displayed.
POS POS (expression) 260 PRINT POS(I)
Gives the current position of the cursor on
the display. The leftmost character position
on the display is position zero. A dummy
operand--0 or 1--must be used.
PRINT PRINT [!] expression [, expression] 360 PRINT X,Y;Z
Prints the value of expressions on the 370 PRINT " "
display/printer. If the list of values to be 380 PRINT X,Y;
printed out does not end with a comma 390 PRINT "VALUE IS";A
(,) or a semicolon (;), then a carriage 400 PRINT A2,B,
return/line feed is executed after all the
values have been printed. Strings enclosed
in quotes (") may also be printed. If a
semicolon separates two expressions in
the list, their values are printed next to
each other. If a comma appears after an
expression in the list, and the print head
is at print position 11 or more, then a
carriage return/line feed is executed. If
the print head is before print position 11,
then spaces are printed until the carriage
is at the beginning of the next 10 column
field. If there is a blank string enclosed in
quotes, as in line 370 of the examples,