5. Programs which use the MAT functions available in some BASICs will have to be
re-written using FOR...NEXT loops to perform the appropriate operations.
6. A PRINT statement with no arguments will not cause a paper feed on the printer. To
generate a paper feed (blank line), use PRINT "space"
------- ---- ------- ---- ------- ----
000 NUL 043 + 086 V
001 SOH 044 , 087 W
002 STX 045 - 088 X
003 ETX 046 . 089 Y
004 EOT 047 / 090 Z
005 ENQ 048 0 091 [
006 ACK 049 1. 092 /
007 BEL 050 2 093 ]
008 BS 051 3 094 ^
009 HT 052 4 095 _
010 LF 053 5 096 `
011 VT 054 6 097 a
012 FF 055 7 098 b
013 CR 056 8 099 c
014 SO 057 9 100 d
015 SI 058 : 101 e
016 DLE 059 ; 102 f
017 DC1 060 < 103 g
018 DC2 061 = 104 h
019 DC3 062 > 105 i
020 DC4 063 ? 106 j
021 NAK 064 @ 107 k
022 SYN 065 A 108 l
023 ETB 066 B 109 m
024 CAN 067 C 110 n
025 EM 068 D 111 o
026 SUB 069 E 112 p
027 ESCAPE 070 F 113 q
028 FS 071 G 114 r
029 GS 072 H 115 s
030 RS 073 I 116 t
031 US 074 J 117 u
032 SPACE 075 K 118 v
033 ! 076 L 119 w
034 " 077 M 120 x
035 # 078 N 121 y
036 $ 079 O 122 z
037 % 080 P 123 {
038 & 081 Q 124 |
039 ' 082 R 125 }
040 ( 083 S 126 ~
041 ) 084 T 127 DEL
042 * 085 U
LF=Line Feed FF=Form Feed CR=Carriage Return DEL=Rubout on TTY
AIM 65 BASIC allows a user to link to assembly language subroutines, via the USR(W) function.
This function allows one parameter to be passed between BASIC and a subroutine.
The first step is to allocate sufficient memory for the subroutine. AIM 65 BASIC always uses all
RAM memory locations, beginning at decimal location 530 (hex location 212), unless limited by
the user. You can limit BASIC's memory useage by answering the prompt MEMORY SIZE? (see
Subject 100) with some number less than 4096, assuming a 4K system. This will leave sufficient
space for the subroutine as the top of RAM.
For example, if your response to MEMORY SIZE? is "2048", 1518 bytes at the top of RAM
will be free for assembly language subroutines.