5 For each sidebar that you want to comment out, do the following:
a Add <!-- before the <dict> tag of the sidebar you want to comment out.
For sidebars, <dict> tags are followed by the displayName key.
For example, to comment out the “What’s Hot” sidebar, you’d change this:
<string>What’s Hot</string>
to this:
<string>What’s Hot</string>
b Add --> after the </dict> tag of the sidebar you want to comment out.
The corresponding </dict> tag is the rst one found at the same indentation level
of the sidebar’s <dict> tag.
For example, to nish commenting out the “What’s Hot” sidebar, you’d look for the
rst </dict> tag at the same indentation level as the What’s Hot <dict> tag level,
and then you’d change this:
to this:
6 If you copied theme.plist to your Documents folder, copy it back to the theme folder.
To copy this le, enter:
$ cp /Users/user_name/Documents/theme.plist theme_name.wikitheme/
7 Restart the web service by doing one of the following:
Restart the server. Â
In Server Preferences, click Web, move the slider to O, and then to On. Â
In Server Admin, open the disclosure triangle for your server, select Web, click Stop Â
Web, and then click Start Web.
Enter the following in Terminal: Â
$ sudo serveradmin stop teams; sudo serveradmin start teams;
If prompted, enter your administrator account password.
Restarting the server and stopping and starting web service can disrupt users, so send
out a notication that the server will be temporarily down before doing this.
24 Chapter 1 Customizing How the Wiki Looks